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What Happens During Laser Hair Removal

Jan 5

A focused light beam is used in the common cosmetic technique of laser hair removal to eliminate unwanted hair. The operation may be carried out on practically any place of the body where excessive hair growth is an issue, although it is most often done on the face, legs, arms, and underarms.

The fact that laser hair removal is a permanent treatment to unwanted hair is one of its key advantages. Laser hair removal may result in permanent hair reduction after only a few sessions, but conventional techniques like shaving, waxing, and plucking need reapplication every few days or weeks. In some circumstances, just one or two treatments are enough to significantly slow down hair growth, and many treatments may remove hair permanently.

Melanin, a pigment found in the hair follicle, is the focus of laser hair removal. The energy from the laser is focused on the hair, where it is absorbed by the follicle's pigment. The hair follicle is harmed by this energy absorption, which stops it from growing new hair.

Alexandrite, diode, and Nd:YAG lasers are just a few of the several laser types that may be utilized for laser hair removal. The ideal kind of laser for you will depend on the region that has to be treated, your skin type, and the color of your hair. The most suitable laser for your requirements will be decided by your physician or a skilled laser technician.

Laser hair removal

You must get your skin ready before having a laser hair removal procedure. This often entails staying out of the sun for a few weeks ahead to the procedure, as well as abstaining from certain drugs and skin care items that can make your skin more sensitive to the laser. Before receiving treatment, you may also be needed to shave the affected region.

You will be provided protective eyewear to wear during the laser hair removal procedure in order to shield your eyes from the laser. To assist preserve your skin, a gel or cooling agent may be administered after cleaning the treatment area. Following that, the laser handpiece will be moved over the treatment region while continuously producing laser energy pulses. Although the procedure may be a little unpleasant, most people handle it well.

You can notice a little swelling, redness, and pain in the treated region after the procedure. Most of the time, these side effects are transient and go away on their own in a few days. Following-care recommendations may be provided to you, such as refraining from using certain skin care products or engaging in activities that can irritate your skin.

Although laser hair removal may be a useful method for reducing or getting rid of unwanted hair, it is not a long-term fix. After treatment, some hair could come back, and it might take many sessions to get the desired results. The number of treatments required may vary depending on the region being treated, your skin type, the color of your hair, and other variables.

Overall, reducing or getting rid of unwanted hair may be done safely and effectively using laser hair removal. It may not be a permanent cure, but it may provide long-lasting benefits and be a practical substitute for conventional hair removal techniques. It's crucial to speak with a qualified specialist if you're thinking about laser hair removal to find out whether the procedure is good for you.