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Pico Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Apr 4

Unlike most laser treatments, which use heat to vaporize skin cells and reveal healthy new skin underneath, Pico Laser’s pulses generate minimal heat, minimizing damage to the surrounding skin tissue. This allows you to enjoy the same skin rejuvenation benefits of traditional laser treatments, but without the downtime and discomfort.

During your treatment, you will be protected by eyewear to protect your eyes from the laser light. A topical anesthetic can also be applied to reduce discomfort if necessary, particularly in sensitive areas or for patients with a low pain tolerance.

Your dermatologist will evaluate your unique needs and concerns before determining whether Pico Laser Benefits is right for you. Depending on your condition, you may be recommended one or more treatment sessions to achieve the desired results. The duration of each treatment session will be determined by the amount of area being treated and your individual skin type.

Pico laser technology is effective in removing a wide variety of skin imperfections and conditions, including freckles, birthmarks, tattoo removal, acne scarring, sun damage, wrinkle-smoothing, melisma pigmentation removal, stretch marks, and more. In addition, the precision of pico laser technology can help eliminate a number of stubborn blemishes, such as back acne scarring, that have not responded to other treatment options.

The Become Aesthetics Clinic laser’s ultra-fast pulses allow your body to absorb the energy and destroy the unwanted pigment while simultaneously triggering elastin and collagen production. Combined with traditional skin care regimens, you can quickly and effectively improve your complexion.

Because this treatment uses a lower level of heat, you will be able to receive treatment on all skin types. However, you should avoid excessive sun exposure or tanning before and after your appointment. Smoking can also affect your skin’s ability to heal after treatment and may result in a less favorable outcome.

A few typical side effects may occur following your treatment, but they will generally not last long. The most common side effect is redness or tenderness in the treated area, which typically subsides within a few hours to a few days. Some individuals with very delicate skin may experience a more serious side effect, called edema, which can lead to swelling and sensitivity in the treatment area.

The Pico laser is a revolutionary innovation in the world of cosmetic dermatology. This cutting-edge technology can provide you with dramatic and lasting improvements to your complexion, eliminating many of the most stubborn issues that have frustrated you in the past. If you are interested in improving the appearance of your skin with a safe, effective treatment option, contact Become Aesthetics Clinic to schedule an initial consultation. Our team of experienced professionals can help you feel and look your best by combining Pico laser treatment with other skin care techniques that address your specific needs and concerns.