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Vein Care - Minimally Invasive Procedures to Treat Varicose Veins

Jul 24

Your veins carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. They take in nutrients and oxygen and move waste away from your legs and the rest of your body. If the valves that control blood flow fail, blood becomes backed up and forms varicose veins. These swollen, rope-like vessels can be painful. Many people vein treatment for vein pain to improve their appearance, reduce discomfort and prevent complications such as Center for Advanced Vein Care.

Health experts aren't sure why the walls of a varicose vein stretch and the valves become faulty, but there are certain factors that increase your risk of having this condition. These include being female, taking birth control pills or hormone therapy, and being overweight. Having a family history of varicose veins also increases your chance of getting them.

The good news is there are effective vein treatments to treat your varicose veins and relieve your symptoms. Our team of highly trained vein doctors is here to help you find the best course of treatment for your specific needs. We can examine your legs, perform ultrasound diagnostic tests and curate a personalized vein treatment plan just for you.

There are a number of minimally invasive procedures we offer to treat varicose veins including sclerotherapy, laser ablation and radiofrequency endovenous ablation. The procedure that's right for you will depend on the size and location of your varicose veins and other medical issues.

During this outpatient procedure, our vein specialists use duplex ultrasound to pinpoint the affected vein and then guide an exceptionally fine needle directly into it. A sclerosing chemical is then injected into the vein, which prompts it to close, allowing your body to naturally redirect blood through nearby healthy veins. The procedure usually takes less than an hour and you can return to your regular activities immediately afterward.

With this procedure, your vein specialist makes a small incision near the knee and inserts a thin tube into the damaged varicose vein. The tube delivers heat in 20-second bursts to the damaged vein, causing it to shrink and collapse. Over time, the affected vein is reabsorbed into your body and disappears from view. This procedure can be performed in your doctor's office and requires a local anesthetic.

For larger surface varicose veins, a minimally invasive surgical procedure called ambulatory mini-phlebectomy can be used. The surgeon makes tiny punctures in the skin and removes the diseased varicose vein through these openings. This procedure can be performed under local, spinal or general anesthesia and does not require stitches.

There are a variety of natural remedies you can try to reduce your varicose vein pain and improve circulation. You can eat more foods rich in vitamin C, which is known to improve blood circulation. You can also eat foods that are high in potassium to promote blood circulation. Some people also benefit from herbal supplements such as butcher's broom, which contains ruscogenin, which helps fight inflammation and improve circulation. Cayenne pepper can also help because it's high in capsaicin, which is a natural vasodilator that increases blood flow and lowers pain.